Wednesday 28 December 2016

History Origins Stone Black Stone

 History Origins Stone Black Stone

        Revealing History and Its Relationship with Black Stone of the Ka'bah Origins of the Black Stone stone can not be separated from the history of the Kaaba itself. Construction of the Kaaba, according to the Qur'an in surat al-Baqarah verse 127 made by Abraham and his son Ishmael. Told that God had shown to Abraham in which they have to perform construction, namely a place very close to the well of Zamzam, Ibrahim and Ismail finally started work on the construction of the Kaaba at approximately the year 2130 BC. When the construction is taking place, Abraham realized that a great many components of the Kaaba is not able to be made because of lack of materials, so that eventually he and Ismail went down the mountain to bring some rocks with the aim of completing the construction of the Kaaba.

        Even after all parts of the Ka'bah was completed, Ibrahim still feel that there is one important part that is missing. There is one source that says that Abraham ordered Ismail to find one more stone to give a "signal" to mankind. Hearing this, Ismail went from one hill to another hill just for the sake of looking for a stone that can be a beacon and alert the whole human race, and at this moment, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to bring a stone which is said formerly white and give to Ismail. Find the beautiful white stone, Ismail Ibrahim home and see how happy he was carrying stones. Ibrahim Ismail then answered questions about the location of this stone with the answer "I received this from someone who will not overload children and your children's children my grandchildren (Gabriel)" then Ibrahim kissed the stone, and the movement was followed by Ismail.

        History Origins of stone Black Stone resumed after a stone was laid by Ibrahim on the eastern corner of the Kaaba. Right after doing that, Ibrahim revelation where God ordered him to go and proclaim that mankind must make a pilgrimage so that Switzerland can be visited by people from distant places. Some researchers believe that the true Kaaba was built in the year 2130 BC. This date considered consistent with the belief of Muslims that the Kaaba was the first and oldest mosque in history. According to the literature the Samaritans, in a book entitled Secrets of Moses says that Ismail and his eldest son, Nebaioth was the one who built the Kaaba and also the city of Mecca. This book is believed to have been written in the 10th century, while there are other opinions that consider this book was written in the second half of the 3rd century BC.

        Black Stone was actually already become something that is respected even before preaching about Islam by Muhammad. When the era of Muhammad arrived, the stone has also been associated with the Kaaba. Karen Armstrong in his book Islam: A Short History, wrote that the Kaaba is dedicated to Hubal, one of the gods in the trust of the Nabataeans, and in it was 365-tiapnya idols that each represent one day of the year. According to Ibn Ishaq, who is the biographer of Muhammad in the early era, the Kaaba itself is considered a goddess, three generations before Islam appeared. Semitic culture of the Middle East also have a tradition of using foreign stones as markers place of worship, a phenomenon that is written in both the Jewish and the Holy Gospel.

In the era of the Prophet Muhammad, the history of stone Black Stone becomes important when several clans in Makkah fight to determine who deserves to put the Black Stone back to the Kaaba after renovation due to a major fire. After almost a war, the elders of the clan began to agree to the proposal that they should ask the next person who passed through the gates of the Kaaba, and who happens to be Muhammad who was aged 35 years. After hearing the subject matter, Muhammad asked the clan leader to bring him a cloth, which he later used to put the Black Stone in the middle of the cloth. Once laid, Muhammad asked each clan chief to hold the ends of the cloth, picked it up, and bring it to the proper position to put the Black Stone. After arriving at the place, Muhammad himself who took and put the Black Stone in position should be, and it managed to thwart the impending war between the clans of Mecca earlier.

        The history of the stone Black Stone continues but previously he had suffered some significant damage. This stone also told never broken by a stone fired by catapult during the attacks of Mecca by Umayyad. Fragments of broken rock was then reassembled by Abdullah ibn Zubayr use silver. In the year 930, the stone was stolen by the Qarmati up to what is now called Bahrain. Now, this stone became an important part in the religious ceremonies of Muslims, ie when they perform Hajj.

        A few brief article about the origins of stone Black Stone, may be new knowledge to all of you. Thank you for visiting our page set of History.

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