Wednesday 28 December 2016

History The establishment of the State of Palestine

History The establishment of the State of Palestine

        History of Palestine Before the Modern Era
The history of the establishment of a Palestinian state began purwa-Canaanite period. This is reinforced by a human fossils older than 1.5 million years ago in the Pleistocene era. The discovery of the fossil was found in Ubeidiya within 3 km from the south of the Sea of ​​Galilee. This fossil is thought to be the first evidence of the initial migration of Homo erectus out of Africa. In 1925, in a cave called Goa Zuttiyeh also found the remains of living organisms which later was named "Man of Palestine". In the area south of Nazareth, on a website Paleoanthropological found 11 skulls of Homo sapien fossilized on a rock. The fossils were later after study have anatomically modern humans is apparently aged about 90,000 to 100,000 years, and many of the rest of the bones were dyed using red ocher used in the burial process.

        After a period of prototype-Kanaan passed and passed through two phases period bronzes, the history of the state of Palestine continues with the period of the Kingdom of Egypt until around 1550 to 1400 BC where Canaanite cities are now part of the Egyptian royal Just doing a major expansion into areas Levant under Ahmose I and Thutmose I. the whole business of political, commercial, and military that is at the end of this era noted by several ambassadors and leaders of proxied Canaan to Egypt in the year 379 by using a tablet known as the Amarna letters. In the first term of the pharaoh Seti I, he was on a mission to re mengordinasi Canaanite who is now in the Egyptian rule until the area Belt Shean and install a puppet government to regulate some areas. In the year 1178 BC, Ramesses III flying the flag of war against the Sea People named Djahy War (Canaan), where the war was the beginning of the loss of power of the New Kingdom of Egypt in the Levant, and at the same time the collapse of the Bronze era.

        The history of the establishment of a Palestinian state resumed towards the era of the Royal Hellenic with penundukannya in 330 BC by Alexander the Great after previously managed to survive through periods of independent Israelite, Philistine, and the Canaanite, the period under the government of the kingdom of Neo-Syria and Neo-Babylonian, and the Persian empire (Achaemenid). In the year 323 to 301 BC, the land of Palestine repeatedly ruled by a different person as a result of war Diadochi. Unisex leaders that are written in the history of the establishment of a Palestinian state in the future, including Laomedon, Ptolemy I Soter and Antigonus I Monophthalmus. In 321 BCE, Ptolemy I Soter kill the son of Antigonus I in the Gaza War, namely Demetrius I. A large number of war that occurred in this era membuatah landscape changing in time to the extreme with the displacement force that can happen very quickly. The other thing that happened was started many fortified cities were built on the grounds to repel enemy forces.

A Palestinian state in the Modern Era.


        The history of the modern Palestinian state starting from 1516 when the Ottoman Turks occupied Palestine and Istanbul designated as local government. Power will be the Palestinians threatened when Napoleon started the war in the March 7 to July 1799. The attack failed and ended when Napoleon was murdered by his sister who cooperate with the Ottomans. On May 10, 1832, the area occupied by the expansionist Ottoman Syria Egypt under the leadership of Muhammad Ali in the Egyptian-Ottoman war in 1831, yet the Ottoman return against and only lost when they joined the German Empire in World War I.

        Starting from around the 2000s, the Palestinians, whose land began to be claimed by Israel began to rebel and their first attack known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada. In 2002, a resolution for termination of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict proposed by the US, EU, Russia, and the United Nations. In 2004, George W. Bush also requested that a Palestinian state can coexist with Israel. In 2005, the Palestinian militia forces began firing Qassam rockets toward Israel. An unending war between the Palestinians and Israel have become a dark part in the history of the establishment of a Palestinian state.
The era of the Roman Empire which posted another part in the history of the establishment of a Palestinian state lasts for three periods of the Roman Iudea in the year 63 BC which was then followed by a period of Roman Syria Palestine in 132 BC and ended around the year 630 early because of the defeat of the Roman army in some great war. The defeat of the Roman army also opened the gates for the entry of Muslim caliphate led by Rashidun and Umayyad until 968 years before finally attacking the Fatimid Caliphate. Fatimid Caliphate can only last until the year 1054 and started to collapse because of the attack on the crusader during the Crusades.

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