Friday 30 December 2016

Jokowi Instruct Officials spreaders Hard on Defamation and Hoax

Jokowi Instruct Officials spreaders Hard on Defamation and Hoax
President Joko Widodo
  President Joko Widodo ordered law enforcement agencies to act tough against the disseminators of false news or hoax on the internet.
  "I ask the law enforcement must be firm, hard for it. And we have to evaluate online media that manufactures false news without a clear source with the provocative title and defamatory," said Jokowi when opening the closed meeting regarding the anticipation of the development of social media at the office President, Jakarta, Thursday (29/12/2016).

 The President also called for a massive movement for educational activity on social media.

  "I also have a massive movement to literacy, education, maintaining ethics, maintaining civility us in air-medsos. This movement is important to invite netizens to mengampayekan how to communicate through medsos good, ethical, positive, productive based on the values ​​of our culture , "said Jokowi.

  Jokowi said that social media have a positive impact for the community. However, it could also have negative effect, particularly content in shades of provocation.

  "We also have to realize that information technology is also a negative impact on society, as we have seen lately a lot of milling the information troubling, pitting, divisive, appeared utterances of hate, statements rough, statements containing slander and provocative.

  "We see the languages ​​spoken language for example also killed, massacred, by hanging. Again this is not our culture, therefore, not to run out of energy for things like this," Jokowi added.

  Jokowi said that half the population of Indonesia is an active Internet users and have a social media account.

  "Information technology is developing very remarkable, and we have shown that in Indonesia there are now 132 million active Internet users, or 52 percent of the total population. Of the number of internet users that there are 129 million who have accounts medsos active, and attractive price -rata spent 3.5 hours per day for internet consumption through HP, "said Jokowi

2 People Kena OTT levies Worship Facilities Development Project in Aceh

2 People Kena OTT levies Worship Facilities Development Project in Aceh

2 People in contact with OTT extortion religious facilities construction projects in Aceh. In the operation caught the hand, officers secured the evidence in the form of cash $ 10.5 million of Opin, and cash $ 5 million from Miswar St.
Unit acts of extortion saber Aceh province grabbed Opin, official technical implementation activities Aceh Provincial Office of Human Settlements and a supervisory consultant named Miswar, Wednesday (28/12) at around 18:30 pm. Both were arrested in connection with illegal collection development projects worship facilities and toilets in Siron Glie Kuta Cot, Aceh Besar district.

"The modus operandi of extortion is the perpetrator asked Dahlan as civil contractor employee CV USA metua as much as USD 15.5 million, excluding the provisions on the grounds as a construction project fee places of worship," said Karopenmas Police Public Relations Division Brig Rikwanto told reporters.

In the operation caught the hand, officers secured the evidence in the form of cash $ 10.5 million of Opin, and cash $ 5 million from Miswar St.

Evidence, the victim and an alleged suspect is currently secured in the Special Criminal Police Directorate of Aceh.

"Securing the suspect OTT on behalf Opin brothers and Dahlan to do further tests, securing evidence of cash amounting to USD 15.5 million, and requesting information from the victims on behalf of the brother of Dahlan," said Rikwanto

Chronology Crocodile Catching Sea Disturbing Citizens

Chronology Crocodile Catching Sea Disturbing Citizens
Illustration saltwater crocodile
Aceh Singkil - Villagers Asantola, District Island Many Barat, Aceh Singkil, Capturing The marine crocodile during Singer disturbing residents. ITU crocodile has allegedly preyed A Fisherman.

Pet reptiles arrest Throughout 5.6 meter ON Wednesday, December 28, 2016, ITU involving a crocodile handler Neighbors From the district of Simeulue Island.

Many Danposal Island Navy Base (Lanal) Simeulue oversees Pos TNI AL (Disposal) Island Lots And Disposal Singkil, Marine Lieutenant (E) Prabowo, explained the chronology of the crocodile arrest on Thursday (29/12/2016), reported Antara.

Initially, ON Tuesday, December 27, 2016, at 09.00 pm, prayer orangutan alligator handler Zainudin (45) and M. Rudin (50) Along With Six Residents of Old Hamlet Village Asantola departing LOCATION All crocodile nest for a review put rontgent Trap. Location The suspected in crocodile nests prepared Trap Island in the Sun Dan Kampung Lama.
Illustration saltwater crocodile
At Location ITU, the second handler crocodile traps set up in prayer for Places using SAR Making a dog. A day later they Moves Into Kampung Lama. The second trap to ensnare crocodile WORKED WITH MORE Less approximate length of 4 meters.

The crocodile captured earlier SUCCESSFUL Currently at LOCATION courtyard Pesantren Al-Muflihun Asantola. ITU crocodile has allegedly consuming prayers Singles Lost ON 29 November 2016 When the victim dives to review Hunt tripang in the bottom of the seabed Around the Sun Island waters.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Horrified expression Jokowi When Paspampres Break Iron

Horrified expression Jokowi When Paspampres Break Iron
President Joko Widodo during a press conference at the Bank Indonesia, Monday (12/19/2016). Bank Indonesia launched a new Homeland money by featuring 12 national hero, The money from the new design launched today include seven denominations rupiah denominations of paper and four metal rupiah.

Breaking iron and smash the brick is one of the attractions that made the Presidential Security Forces personnel (Paspampres) when President Joko Widodo visited the headquarters Paspampres in Tanah Abang, Jakarta, Thursday (12/29/2016).

Things wrought iron break the most attractions make Jokowi horror. observation, expression Jokowi initially looks normal when he saw the appearance of the four types of martial arts by the Paspampres, namely karate, aikido, yongmoodo and Silat Merpati Putih.

The President looked just clap only when personnel Paspampres show martial movement.

However, when Paspampres homage to martial Merpati Putih show its attractions, which broke the iron and break the bricks using limbs, Jokowi expression began to change showed fear.

Especially, when one of the attractions that broke Paspampres personnel using wrought iron legs and neck.

Without realizing it, Jokowi as to postpone his head, grimacing in horror. See Jokowi expression in the video below:

However, the expression instantly changed when the Paspampres managed to break the iron with the neck, legs, and groin unhurt. Jokowi smiled and clapped.

In addition to martial arts attractions, the personnel Paspampres also held a security simulation President during emergency situations.

Simulation was the situation when the presidential motorcade was blocked and rescue situation the President and First Lady of buildings.

During his visit, the President also had to give direction to all members Paspampres.

Briefing ceremony was led by the Commander Major General Bambang Suswanto Paspampres. Accompanying the President, the Armed Forces Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, the chief of staff of the military and the State Secretary Pratikno.

Two children Jokowi, Kaesang Pangarep and Kahiyang Ayu also looked at the President's entourage.

Today's News, Propam Police Arrest Related Pamulang sub-district police chief Alleged Extortion

Propam Police Arrest Related Pamulang sub-district police chief Alleged Extortion

Two Member Pamulang Police Caught Fish Hand Operation Extortion Case
Tim Propam Jakarta police arrested Pamulang police chief and two police officers for alleged extortion. Extortion suspect this is related to the handling of drug cases.

"Related to saber Pungli conducted Propam Polda Metro Jaya has secured 3 people that the police chief Pamulang, kasubnit reskrim and one investigator aide in connection their illegal fees," said Head Penum Police Public Relations Division, Commissioner Martinus Sitompul, at Police Headquarters, Jalan Trunojoyo Jakarta South (12/29/2016).

The arrest of the three officers took place on Tuesday (27/12) ago. Three policemen were arrested for not detaining suspected drug cases by reason of a serious illness suffered by the suspect.

"His case is a case of drug abuse kinds of shabu weighing 0.1 grams, which is the legal process is not carried out the detention on the grounds that the suspects had a serious illness that can not be arrested," said Martin.

Not the arrest of suspects in drug cases sambugn Martin, trigger Pamulang Police members for accepting bribes.

"Then it becomes a trigger bribery, which is then carried out arrests by field Propam City Police, is a process that must be done," he continued.

Until now, the police continued Martin is still waiting for a letter from the doctor about the illness suspected shabu weighing 0.1 grams.

"We can not tell what the ailment, we are still waiting for a letter from the doctor," added Martin.

6.4 magnitude earthquake shook Tokyo, no tsunami alert

6.4 magnitude earthquake shook Tokyo, no tsunami alert
Great Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude rattles southern Japan

Great Earthquake of 6.4 magnitude rattles southern Japan
6.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the south of Tokyo, Japan this morning. US Geological Survey (USGS) said the central point was 232 kilometers south of the capital of Japan at a depth of 10 kilometer.Seperti quoted by Channel News Asia on Friday (23/9), there is no potential tsunami by the Pacific Tsunami Center in Hawaii. Japan weather forecast bureau said there would be changes in sea levels but did not affect anything to Japan.

Japan sits at the junction of four tectonic plates and earthquakes experienced with various attacks each year.

Severe earthquake and tsunami struck Japan last in 2011 precisely in the north coast. As many as 18 thousand people dead and missing. The quake also triggered a nuclear reaction in Fukushima.

The latest earthquake with major damage and 50 deaths recorded was hit Kumamoto in April this year. Unknown 1,700 times after the earthquake shocks (aftershocks) felt.

Earthquake News,Japan Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Warning 7,4SR At Fukushima

Japan Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Warning 7,4SR At Fukushima

        7,4SR magnitude earthquake struck the Northeast of Japan near Fukushima prefecture and has triggered a tsunami warning with a predicted wave heights of 1 to 3 meters. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the quake occurred on Tuesday morning (22/11/2016) at around 06.00 local time with the depth of the earthquake is estimated at about 25 km.

        According to the Japanese police, there were 2 people injured in the earthquake. NHK News reports indicate a woman in Yabuki, Fukushima, were injured when a cupboard fell on him. While a man in the city of Fukushima also reportedly suffered a minor injury, according to a report quoted HargaTop team via The Guardian (11/22/2016).

        An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale was felt in the Tokyo which is about 240 km southwest of the epicenter. One resident of Australia, Kirsty Brown, who lives in Tokyo with her husband and 18-month-old daughter claimed awakened by the quake this morning.

        "I had a little shock here in our visit a few years ago. I think my husband pushed me on the bed at the time, but this time is strong enough and you can feel the whole house began to shake. The sensation is similar to a bed when you suddenly move zig-zag and lasted about 90 seconds, "said Kirsty.

        About half an hour after the earthquake, the first tsunami waves reached the coast in Iwaki-shi, Fukushima Prefecture. Until now, the largest tsunami wave reaches a height of 1.4 meters was reported in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, at 8:03 pm local time, according to the JMA as reported via CNN.Menurut the latest news, a tsunami warning for Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures have been lowered to the level of risk more low. People in the area are still advised to avoid offshore. Tsunami warning has been removed completely in some coastal areas: the Pacific coast of the prefecture of the Amorites, Kujukuri area and Sotobo and Uchibo area of ​​Chiba prefecture and the Izu islands.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Recalling collapse of the Soviet Union

Recalling collapse of the Soviet Union
National Geographic share a unique view of the Soviet Union, from the early days was formed in 1917, until its collapse 25 years ago.
National Geographic December 1959 issue featuring an article entitled "Russia as I Saw It" by US Vice President Richard Nixon, who visited the Soviet Union to open an exhibition of consumer goods Americans. The original text under the picture stops in Sverldlosk this car is: "Wherever the Russians gathered, slogans continue to encourage people to step on the line communists". The city is also home to the Russian imperial family was executed in 1918. (B. Anthony Stewart / National Geographic)
On Christmas 25 years ago, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev appeared in national news broadcasts afternoon to formally announce his resignation as president of the Soviet Union.

"You are the heir to a great civilization," he said gravely to the audience who watched. "It depends on each of you, so that civilization can be born again and gave a happy and honorable life for us all."

Press for 30 minutes was followed by the news of the renewal of the war in the Caucasus Republic of Georgia, snippets of Santa waterskiing, and weather forecasts. A few minutes later, the Soviet flag lowered at the Kremlin. The next day, the Supreme Council Soviet declaration published 142-H, and the USSR was officially dissolved.

National Geographic magazine was first covering Russia in November 1914, when the Russian Empire began to weaken entered World War I. More than 100 pages and 16 color plates introduces the reader to the limitless land and its people is incalculable. Magazine discussion about the revolution and consequently appears regularly during 1917. In 1944, the cartographers National Geographic published the first modern map of the Soviet Union and the only one with the name of the place is written in English.

Entering the 20th century, the author and photographer of National Geographic limited to occasional visits to the Soviet Union to document the great achievements at the same socio-economic failures of the communist state. They were amazed at its space program and the advancement of women think the Russians.

National Geographic also witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the articles and photographs become an important record of the existence of the Soviet Union as one of the mightiest and influential country in the 20th century.

20th anniversary of the Eastern European revolutions of 1989 have reopened the debate about who won the Cold War and what caused the rupture of Soviet communism is very fast in the last years. The collapse of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 is a symbolic milestone towards the breakup of the Soviet Union two years later. Looking back, a lot of people directly involved are still wondering: Was Soviet communism defeated? It overthrown? Or collapse from within?
A series of events that occurred one after another in quick time at the end of the Cold War is not a debate. Poland's historic talks between the banned Solidarity trade union and the ruling Communist Party happened in the spring of 1989.

Within months, Hungary has introduced a multiparty system. At the end of the year, the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia Vaclav Havel elected president.

And on the night of November 3, tens of thousands of Berliners flocked to the wall which had divided their city since 1961.

The timeline of events is clear. However, controversy still surrounds why Soviet communism crumbled so quickly.

"From the beginning, I have proposed the concept of the less popular that communism was not defeated, but collapsed by itself. Communism at the end of 1989 is already too weak, old, and emptied of all meaning to still exist," said Klaus.

Joseph Nye is a foreign policy expert and influential former high officials of the Clinton years. Nye agrees with Klaus that the primary causes of the Soviet collapse was the failure of the economy and the decline of communist ideology.

He said that since the 1970s, the Soviet economy proved unable to adapt to the global production system that is controlled by information. Nye also points to what he calls the exhaustion of communist ideas he says had become authoritarian and dictatorial under Stalinism.

"So, when the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, it did not collapse because of a barrage of artillery, but under hammers and bulldozers wielded by people who have lost faith in the ideas of communism," he said.
But Nye says the choices made by Mikhail Gorbachev following his appointment as general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party in 1985 hastened the collapse.

"She wants to save communism but in the process he accelerated its demise. So his policies of perestroika (economic restructuring) and glasnost (openness) which digagasnya hastened the disintegration of the Soviet empire," said Nye.

Richard Pipes, a former anti-Soviet fighter that became official in the Reagan era, also emphasized the central role of Gorbachev.

He hooked a conversation with a close adviser to the former Soviet leader, Alexander Yakovlev, about how the Kremlin officials see the system as a permanent error.

"Yakovlev said that first we tried, in the first three years of Gorbachev, to improve the system, keeping it intact. But in 1988 we found that the system can no longer be reformed. We do not change it. Therefore, measures taken virtual steps to remove them, "Pipes said.

While systemic failure was a major factor for many observers, others highlight the role played by individuals to defeat communism from within.

Miklos Haraszti founded the Hungarian democratic opposition movement in the mid-1970s. He said that the Soviet system collapsed because the East European opposition successfully broke the communists' monopoly of information.

"It has collapsed because the performance of a new generation of opposition in the satellite states of Eastern Europe who worked for 20 years to build an alternative infrmasi system, knowing that it was the most important goal," he said.

"They know that they do not have the opportunity to change the system. They only act morally, and it's very important. I can say that their moral example was irreplaceable. They really understand that the only thing they can do is go to jail. and they did, "said Haraszti.

He says reforms undertaken by communist dictatorships never lead to systemic change without an active opposition creating what he calls "civil society movement".

In July 1989, Mr. Gorbachev formally renounced called Brezhnev Doctrine, a policy that justifies the application of communist party rule in the former Soviet satellite states of Eastern Europe.

Other American commentators arguing that the US military buildup and moral leadership under Mr. Reagan won the Cold War.

Helle Dale is a foreign affairs specialist at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

"The critical importance of American leadership that is realized through the deterrence of the Soviet Union's military and the international broadcasting and public diplomacy of the United States that carried the ideological fight behind the Iron Curtain," said Dale.

But Nye said that while the US ideas and its ability to deter Soviet aggression is important in understanding the end of the Cold War, neither are root causes.

"The collapse of Soviet communism is a process of erosion. I think to call it a defeat is an impression that comes from the outside. I think the most important thing is what happens on the inside."

Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the debate continues. The definitive history of the end of the Cold War is still not written clearly.

History Origins Stone Black Stone

 History Origins Stone Black Stone

        Revealing History and Its Relationship with Black Stone of the Ka'bah Origins of the Black Stone stone can not be separated from the history of the Kaaba itself. Construction of the Kaaba, according to the Qur'an in surat al-Baqarah verse 127 made by Abraham and his son Ishmael. Told that God had shown to Abraham in which they have to perform construction, namely a place very close to the well of Zamzam, Ibrahim and Ismail finally started work on the construction of the Kaaba at approximately the year 2130 BC. When the construction is taking place, Abraham realized that a great many components of the Kaaba is not able to be made because of lack of materials, so that eventually he and Ismail went down the mountain to bring some rocks with the aim of completing the construction of the Kaaba.

        Even after all parts of the Ka'bah was completed, Ibrahim still feel that there is one important part that is missing. There is one source that says that Abraham ordered Ismail to find one more stone to give a "signal" to mankind. Hearing this, Ismail went from one hill to another hill just for the sake of looking for a stone that can be a beacon and alert the whole human race, and at this moment, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to bring a stone which is said formerly white and give to Ismail. Find the beautiful white stone, Ismail Ibrahim home and see how happy he was carrying stones. Ibrahim Ismail then answered questions about the location of this stone with the answer "I received this from someone who will not overload children and your children's children my grandchildren (Gabriel)" then Ibrahim kissed the stone, and the movement was followed by Ismail.

        History Origins of stone Black Stone resumed after a stone was laid by Ibrahim on the eastern corner of the Kaaba. Right after doing that, Ibrahim revelation where God ordered him to go and proclaim that mankind must make a pilgrimage so that Switzerland can be visited by people from distant places. Some researchers believe that the true Kaaba was built in the year 2130 BC. This date considered consistent with the belief of Muslims that the Kaaba was the first and oldest mosque in history. According to the literature the Samaritans, in a book entitled Secrets of Moses says that Ismail and his eldest son, Nebaioth was the one who built the Kaaba and also the city of Mecca. This book is believed to have been written in the 10th century, while there are other opinions that consider this book was written in the second half of the 3rd century BC.

        Black Stone was actually already become something that is respected even before preaching about Islam by Muhammad. When the era of Muhammad arrived, the stone has also been associated with the Kaaba. Karen Armstrong in his book Islam: A Short History, wrote that the Kaaba is dedicated to Hubal, one of the gods in the trust of the Nabataeans, and in it was 365-tiapnya idols that each represent one day of the year. According to Ibn Ishaq, who is the biographer of Muhammad in the early era, the Kaaba itself is considered a goddess, three generations before Islam appeared. Semitic culture of the Middle East also have a tradition of using foreign stones as markers place of worship, a phenomenon that is written in both the Jewish and the Holy Gospel.

In the era of the Prophet Muhammad, the history of stone Black Stone becomes important when several clans in Makkah fight to determine who deserves to put the Black Stone back to the Kaaba after renovation due to a major fire. After almost a war, the elders of the clan began to agree to the proposal that they should ask the next person who passed through the gates of the Kaaba, and who happens to be Muhammad who was aged 35 years. After hearing the subject matter, Muhammad asked the clan leader to bring him a cloth, which he later used to put the Black Stone in the middle of the cloth. Once laid, Muhammad asked each clan chief to hold the ends of the cloth, picked it up, and bring it to the proper position to put the Black Stone. After arriving at the place, Muhammad himself who took and put the Black Stone in position should be, and it managed to thwart the impending war between the clans of Mecca earlier.

        The history of the stone Black Stone continues but previously he had suffered some significant damage. This stone also told never broken by a stone fired by catapult during the attacks of Mecca by Umayyad. Fragments of broken rock was then reassembled by Abdullah ibn Zubayr use silver. In the year 930, the stone was stolen by the Qarmati up to what is now called Bahrain. Now, this stone became an important part in the religious ceremonies of Muslims, ie when they perform Hajj.

        A few brief article about the origins of stone Black Stone, may be new knowledge to all of you. Thank you for visiting our page set of History.

History The establishment of the State of Palestine

History The establishment of the State of Palestine

        History of Palestine Before the Modern Era
The history of the establishment of a Palestinian state began purwa-Canaanite period. This is reinforced by a human fossils older than 1.5 million years ago in the Pleistocene era. The discovery of the fossil was found in Ubeidiya within 3 km from the south of the Sea of ​​Galilee. This fossil is thought to be the first evidence of the initial migration of Homo erectus out of Africa. In 1925, in a cave called Goa Zuttiyeh also found the remains of living organisms which later was named "Man of Palestine". In the area south of Nazareth, on a website Paleoanthropological found 11 skulls of Homo sapien fossilized on a rock. The fossils were later after study have anatomically modern humans is apparently aged about 90,000 to 100,000 years, and many of the rest of the bones were dyed using red ocher used in the burial process.

        After a period of prototype-Kanaan passed and passed through two phases period bronzes, the history of the state of Palestine continues with the period of the Kingdom of Egypt until around 1550 to 1400 BC where Canaanite cities are now part of the Egyptian royal Just doing a major expansion into areas Levant under Ahmose I and Thutmose I. the whole business of political, commercial, and military that is at the end of this era noted by several ambassadors and leaders of proxied Canaan to Egypt in the year 379 by using a tablet known as the Amarna letters. In the first term of the pharaoh Seti I, he was on a mission to re mengordinasi Canaanite who is now in the Egyptian rule until the area Belt Shean and install a puppet government to regulate some areas. In the year 1178 BC, Ramesses III flying the flag of war against the Sea People named Djahy War (Canaan), where the war was the beginning of the loss of power of the New Kingdom of Egypt in the Levant, and at the same time the collapse of the Bronze era.

        The history of the establishment of a Palestinian state resumed towards the era of the Royal Hellenic with penundukannya in 330 BC by Alexander the Great after previously managed to survive through periods of independent Israelite, Philistine, and the Canaanite, the period under the government of the kingdom of Neo-Syria and Neo-Babylonian, and the Persian empire (Achaemenid). In the year 323 to 301 BC, the land of Palestine repeatedly ruled by a different person as a result of war Diadochi. Unisex leaders that are written in the history of the establishment of a Palestinian state in the future, including Laomedon, Ptolemy I Soter and Antigonus I Monophthalmus. In 321 BCE, Ptolemy I Soter kill the son of Antigonus I in the Gaza War, namely Demetrius I. A large number of war that occurred in this era membuatah landscape changing in time to the extreme with the displacement force that can happen very quickly. The other thing that happened was started many fortified cities were built on the grounds to repel enemy forces.

A Palestinian state in the Modern Era.


        The history of the modern Palestinian state starting from 1516 when the Ottoman Turks occupied Palestine and Istanbul designated as local government. Power will be the Palestinians threatened when Napoleon started the war in the March 7 to July 1799. The attack failed and ended when Napoleon was murdered by his sister who cooperate with the Ottomans. On May 10, 1832, the area occupied by the expansionist Ottoman Syria Egypt under the leadership of Muhammad Ali in the Egyptian-Ottoman war in 1831, yet the Ottoman return against and only lost when they joined the German Empire in World War I.

        Starting from around the 2000s, the Palestinians, whose land began to be claimed by Israel began to rebel and their first attack known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada. In 2002, a resolution for termination of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict proposed by the US, EU, Russia, and the United Nations. In 2004, George W. Bush also requested that a Palestinian state can coexist with Israel. In 2005, the Palestinian militia forces began firing Qassam rockets toward Israel. An unending war between the Palestinians and Israel have become a dark part in the history of the establishment of a Palestinian state.
The era of the Roman Empire which posted another part in the history of the establishment of a Palestinian state lasts for three periods of the Roman Iudea in the year 63 BC which was then followed by a period of Roman Syria Palestine in 132 BC and ended around the year 630 early because of the defeat of the Roman army in some great war. The defeat of the Roman army also opened the gates for the entry of Muslim caliphate led by Rashidun and Umayyad until 968 years before finally attacking the Fatimid Caliphate. Fatimid Caliphate can only last until the year 1054 and started to collapse because of the attack on the crusader during the Crusades.

Monday 26 December 2016

Reason Why Looking for Couple

Reasons Why Finding Couple Is Precisely Last Things You Should Do At Age 20s
Supergirl/Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros/

Entering the gates of the age of 20 years, of course there will be many things so plan your life. Certainly not one of, if many people say that the 20s was a time that will determine the future. So, how do you live and spend time in the early 20s will determine who you are, and what you will become in the future.

Not merely a matter of love or looking for a mate who is often called 'The One.' Because it turns out, the couple actually deserve you put the final prioritized list of activities you should do in the 20s. You know why? It's the reason he was 5!

1. At this age you have the chance to complete as much education as you want

Not only men, women also have an obligation to study. Because of that, they are entitled to education as possible as desired. Is not it a reflection of a soul mate? So, is it fair if you want a smart man without being smart or intelligent first? That's why, in this age, in fact compulsory education top priority.
2. Work and work in accordance passion fact also did not take a minute

Done educational affairs, you certainly want to apply in your career and life. And today, work and have a brilliant career as if he had become a natural thing. Experience and passion obeyed career that you feel in the middle of the 20s this. As a young, it is time you solve all the ambition and the pursuit of ideals.


3. happy those who have contributed in any life worth doing
First married or happy parents first? It is often a question a lot of people. Are you one of them? Of course, everyone has an answer from the perspective of each. Finding a partner is not easy, let alone married. Moreover, if it turns out you're the eldest, came from a humble family, and has many sister. If you choose them happy first, it was not anything wrong.

4. You need to look for friends and relatives as much as possible for the future

At this age, please satisfy yourself to socialize as much as possible, be friends with as many people. Who knows, it could be a useful business contacts and in the next life. After all, we never know what will happen in the future? Although your partner will probably not restrictive, but still, enjoy the first freedom that exist while got.

5. Alone does not necessarily mean lonely and depressing. Need any reason to hurry?

Perhaps, being a woman is the hardest thing in this world. Moreover, when there is a lot of consensus on 'should' women met a mate in the 20s. Your happiness is decisive. Because in truth, there is no problem with solitude. To come to the invitation yet, there is no obligation to be with a partner, is not it? Because by itself, you just do not have complicated area and harmonize their mutual clothes for example.

So, how resolusimu 20s undergo and finish this? Looking for a partner in a priority number? the answer is in yourself ...

The people of Aceh Tsunami Commemoration of 12 Years Together With Remembrance

The people of Aceh Tsunami Commemoration of 12 Years Together With Remembrance

Mosque Baiturrahim survive in the midst of a tsunami
 wave that hit Meulaboh, Aceh, on December 26,
 2014 last. Photo by EPA

 JAKARTA, Indonesia - Aceh's regional government held dhikr together and give donations to 600 orphans in commemoration of 12 years of tsunami that took place at Queen's Park Safiatuddin, Banda Aceh, on Sunday, December 25th.

"In life, man is never separated from the various trials and challenges, including natural disasters. The challenge and we have to face this calamity with patience and resignation to God Almighty," said Acting Governor of Aceh Soedarmo in his speech.

He said the challenges that befell the people of Aceh is a test from Allah SWT.

"We need introspection and evaluation of challenges and trials whether this is negligence of us all so that we get closer to Allah SWT," said Soedarmo.

Besides dhikr together, also made a feast in commemoration of Prophet Muhammad's Birthday.

An earthquake measuring 9.3 on the Richter scale followed by a tsunami devastated the Veranda of Mecca on Sunday morning, 26 December 2004, and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

The earthquake and ensuing tsunami that also resulted in most of the coast of Aceh were destroyed and no less than 200 thousand inhabitants of Aceh died, some lost.

Flags at half mast

Soedarmo also ordered the raising of the flag at half mast at all government and private offices on Monday, December 26th.

"In accordance with the letter of the Governor of Aceh Soedarmo, followed by the Acting Wailkota Sabang T. Aznal Zahri 12 years tsunami warning was instructed to fly the flag at half-mast," the appeal is disseminated Dishubkominfo Kota Sabang.

This appeal was also announced in the mosques and surau-surau. Aceh tsunami warning 12 years will also be filled prayer at mosques and voice of the community in the Musalla.

Every December 26, the government and the people of Aceh commemorate this catastrophic disaster by holding a joint prayer and pilgrimage to the funeral mass in Blang Bintang, Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh's Ulee Lheue.

Friday 23 December 2016

Mom Indonesia and Horror Death During Delivery

Mom Indonesia and Horror Death During Delivery

Warning to the Mother's Day - 88, the theme of gender equality

Indonesian commemorates 88 year Mother's Day, Thursday (22/12/2016). Warning This Mother's Day, still leaves homework for the government. Therefore, the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still the highest in Southeast Asia.

The maternal mortality rate is one indicator of the success of efforts to see the health of the mother. The maternal mortality rate is related to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.
Results Reports Indonesia Demographic Health Survey in 2012 wrote, 359 mothers die for every 100 thousand live births.

The figure was reduced in 2015 and listed in the Results Inter- Census Population Survey in 2015. Despite the fall, the maternal mortality rate is still over 300 deaths.

The dominant cause of maternal death during pregnancy is dominated bleeding and hypertension. Socio-economic conditions of society and health professionals as well as a support to change to maternal mortality.

To reduce maternal mortality, Secretary of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child  Protection of maternal mortality, mothers in Indonesia take care of themselves from containing up to childbirth. Actually, the mother should regularly check their contents.

Donald Trump's net worth is

Donald Trump menunjukkan salinan jumlah kekayaannya saat mengumumkan pencalonan dirinya. 
again present, with elected informative news and real-time summary of the events within the past week. Both local and international news.

In the segment 'International Affairs', we raised the dominant news talk communities throughout the world. Ie focus on the victory obtained by the candidate would be US Presidential candidate of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, in Nevada.
In the segment of 'What's on Indonesia', we provide information on the government's plan to close hundreds of brothel in the whole of Indonesia. The plan the process will be carried out until 2019 later.

Next in the segment 'Trending Topic', people were surprised by the withdrawal of chocolate products 'Mars' and 'Snickers' from 55 countries.

While the anniversary of the Russian military, which was held by the embassy in Jakarta, the focus of the final segment 'Embassy Corner'. The celebration was also attended by the Russian ambassador to Indonesia along with the military attache.

Cold-blooded Murder of a Russian Ambassador

Police personnel to secure the shooting scene Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov by a former member of the police in the art gallery in Ankara on Monday (19/12). The shooting incident also wounded three others
Then a Turkish man killed Russia's ambassador to the country, and linking it with Russia's role in Syria.

In the segment of "What's On Indonesia", was appointed news related accidents C 130 Hercules aircraft belonging to the Air Force around Wamena, Papua province, killing 12 crew members and one passenger.

While most 'hot' at the moment is the new rupiah money, either in the form of paper or coin denominations.

In the "Trending Topic" this time filled with a repeat victory AFF history between Indonesia and Thailand. The two teams met in the final match of determining a champion for the past five occasions. Thailand back champions and Indonesia as a 'runner up'.

Lastly, the segment "Embassy Corner" filled sandarnya Indian warship, INS Sumitra in Jakarta. This goodwill visit associated with India's efforts to offer patrol boats to Indonesia.

School, mosca

 School Experience

    Time open enrollment high school I enrolled in high school N 01 Kalirejo, test time in high school, I did not study at all. mos and at any time has arrived I berngkat using equipment specified by the class brothers. At the moment I'm feeling very happy Mos brothers class as well, the time has passed p-mos embagian class arrived. X3 I go to class. I'm happy because I have a friend in this class.

    Ea point I'm happy. School in SMA N 1 Kalirejo was very enjoyable and I started to follow extracurricular sisplam. The first time I left I was told to meet in front of extracurricular seniors and other friends, I finally met.

    Novitasari my name, address Srimulyo I used it in smp-1 smp islam Kalirejo, and brother joined her class asked what the reason sispelam. I replied because I wanted to know nature more closely sister. Then his sister said he wanted to know where the universe even further up. I was silent. Sister say why say anything, answered ...!

    Hemz ... her brother was angry and I was told to go back to the line I was. Finally I walked into barisanku. There are already a few weeks of training were very pleasant and annoying. Hemz ... the fun we could have together with my friends, who was told creeping dilumpur sucks. But even sucks I keep the spirit and happy because there are seniors that I liked, so I was always dirty and tired spirit although I keep the spirit. And finally sent to school after a bath and a shower we disuuruh gathered in the field and there we were told to eat with friends face to face. Dann finished eating I told my friends gathered in the field and there liver basket I was excited because it was told to eat worms. And after that line at that time distribution of scarves. After the division of scarves we pray before going home.

    After one week later we set off again and there sister invites her class to camp in betung and 2nd inauguration. I finally said to the parents, and finally I was allowed parents to come camping on Mount betung. At home I prepare the equipment that must be taken. Once done I sleep to prepare for the trip, I also went to school together father escorted me. School until the car is yet to come. Upperclassmen give direction and the car came. We entered kemobil and his friends. Somewhere along the way my head feels dizzy but I keep the spirit and the car was stopped. I think it is up but it's not. I and my friends were told to get out of the car and told the approximately 20km up the mountain betung. I'm half way through strong feeling tired and not up anymore but I tried to climb up on the street and I met ranjer carrying goods only. Up top we rested for a while after that me and my friends set up the place. Evening arrived, we turn on the fire. There I heard the sound of the flare-no here. And I saw the animal whose name leeches and no other animals. Already too late and I finally slept until morning.

    We wake up and wash my face, because we cook bangget cold water to make hot drinks. After that we cook the noodles. After that we exercise together. After that I and other friends who dismantle their tents. After that we were told to clean up camp right that we use.

    After that we were told to gather together and pray for the return. After that we walk to get home. When I walk and my ex and I disamperin there we talked ehh ... I even brought former goods I got the mosque. We lie down until the car came, and finally the car came. Our car ride to go home. I finally got home very happy because I could see my parents again.

The Ant and the Dove

    One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass.
While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

    She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

    Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.

    Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.
The morality: One good turn deserves another.

True Friends
Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger.

Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, "Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?" The other friend replied, "Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend."

Moral of the Story- A true friend in need is a friend indeed.

The Fox and the Grapes

One afternoon there was a fox that was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox. Taking a few steps backward, the fox jumped but unfortunately he missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces backward, ran, and tried to reach them but he still failed.

Finally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.

Moral Value: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.
