Monday 16 January 2017

New Style Action FPI, They Sing Songs Nationality

New Style Action FPI, They Sing Songs Nationality

FPI demo to Police Headquarters
    From the top of the command car, the Islamic Defenders Front leader invites thousands of paramilitary troops to keep the peace in the demonstration at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Monday (01/16/2017) afternoon.

    "Peaceful Ready? Ready to safeguard the morals? Ready to order?" Rizieq said.

"Ready," the answer irregulars simultaneously.

    Rizieq remind irregulars that the purpose of the action to the Police Headquarters to encourage the police to enforce the law.

    "We are here for what? To enforce the law or do anarchists?" Rizieq said the irregulars.

    Rizieq said the main purpose of the action to the Police Headquarters this afternoon to report the West Java police chief Inspector General Anton Charliyan Propam to Police Headquarters.

    Anton assessed fail to prevent a brawl between FPI and the Community Movement Down Indonesia on Thursday (12.01.2017) and Friday (01/13/2017).

Rizieq confirms the demonstration to the Police Headquarters today not to do anarchists.

    According to the observations, now has moved from camp of Al-Azhar Mosque to the Police Headquarters which is only about 500 meters.

    Throughout Jalna, bershalawat and sang their national anthems, ranging from Maju Tak Undaunted, from Sabang until Merauke, and Garuda Pancasila.

    Arriving in front of Police Headquarters, Rizieq mass action led to recite the Pledge of Youth.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Capital of USD 5 million, this Green Tea Business Raup turnover USD 300 Million / Month

Capital of USD 5 million, this Green Tea Business Raup turnover USD 300 Million / Month

Photo: Doc. Arafatea

His love for tea making, Ifah Syarifah, innovating developing tea as raw materials to make various products. Ifah started this business actively in social activities together lovers of tea and tea farmers in 2005.

In 2007, Ifah thinking how helpful such activities that he began doing business with a capital of approximately US $ 5 million to buy tea. Products initially in the form of a drink white tea and green tea.

Then, he makes tea innovating raw materials for various products, such as chocolate green tea, green tea ice cream, caramel tea, green tea rice cracker, as well as beauty products such as soap and hand body tea tea.

Photo: Doc. Arafatea
The raw material of tea he bought from the exporter, because she had not had a garden. However, as the business grows, Ifah finally able to meet its own raw materials from certified plantation forestry concession.

In addition, Ipah also have a production house. Ifah also been expanding its business by opening nine branches and resellers. Ifah concoction of tea products named Arafatea.

"In Bandung us there where souvenirs at the floating market, Dago Tea House (cafe), in Batam a gift shop as well. There were five in Java, Yogya entrusted in reseller, cafes 1 and 4. In Bali dititip shop in the hotel, Hotel Jakarta in Indonesia and the Harapan Kita Hospital Pharmacy, "said Ifah, Sunday (12/18/2016).

Besides Indonesia, Ipah also sends its products to consumers in Singapore and Malaysia. Of businesses that initially have capital of Rp 5 million, now Ifah able to reap a turnover of about USD 300 million per month.

"I also export to Malaysia and Singapore. If Singapore or Malaysia for example, 5,000 pieces of chocolate a week," said Ifah.

SOE's Got Construction Projects in the Haram

SOE's Got Construction Projects in the Haram

photo: illustration of construction work at the Haram
PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT) has a project of construction work at the Haram, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have served as a sub contractor of Bin Laden Corporation for manufacturing jobs such as the manufacture of columns and beams pin.

Projects that worked Waskita is still one location with a crane collapse in the Haram.

"That crane everything got Bin Laden. Waskita jobs away from the crash site and were not the work Waskita," said Corporate Secretary Waskita, Antonius Yulianto to detikFinance, Saturday (12/09/2015).

Antonius also ensure all Indonesian workers involved in the project survived the collapse of the crane incident. When the disaster, the construction work is on holiday.

"All workers Waskita in good condition. When the incident coincided with holidays local time," he explained.

For projects in the Haram, at least 60 people Waskita mempekerjaan field workers and engineers from Indonesia.

Anthony explained, Waskita has been involved in the renovation and development projects Haram since 2014. This year, Waskita job in Haram with a value of 12 million riyals (equivalent to USD 40 billion).

"If last year was there with a contract value of 40 million riyals. If this year an additional 12 million riyals, or equivalent to Rp 40 billion. We are there as a sub-contractor," he said.

In addition to the Sacred Mosque project involved preformance, Waskita is also working on the construction of the overpass to the King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah.

"This year we're not a big project," he said.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Ahok lost again in court

Ahok lost again in court

Panel of Judges of the State Administrative Court (Administrative Court), yesterday, in favor of residents of Bukit Duri on a warning letter (SP1) eviction issued by the Head of Civil Service Police Unit South Jakarta.

In its decision, the judges asked the head of the municipal police to revoke the warning letter. In his judgment, the judge called the residents of Bukit Duri legally inhabit their land for generations. Referring to the verdict, attorney resident, Vera Soemarwi, said South Jakarta Municipal Government is obliged to pay compensation to clients. Last September, the municipal government has taken over the land.

The court ruling was once listed, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok who was Governor of Jakarta when displacing settlements Bukit Duri, has lost in court. Rimanews noted, first Ahok lose, the former headmaster of SMAN 3 Setiabudi, Retno Listyarti at the beginning of the year 2016.Retno sued her dismissal ruling by the education office of Jakarta, on landing Ahok.

The following cases involving the city government and Ahok cluck:

1. January 7, 2016, Retno Listyarti wins his lawsuit after being fired as the Principal of SMAN 3 Setiabudi, South Jakarta.
2. 25 April 2016, the Administrative Court Challenge to Bidara China.
3. May 31, 2016, the Administrative Court to cancel the Governor Regulation (gubernatorial) Establishments No. 2238 of 2014 on the Granting of Reclamation Permit G Island in the Bay of Jakarta PT Muara Wisesa ocean.
4. January 5, 2017, residents of Bukit Duri Challenge to the administrative court for the actions Pemrov evictions DKI, Jakarta.

Of the lawsuit filed, the city government has carried out the execution of the verdict. Ranging from dismissal to the eviction of the houses.

Based on the description of the Legal Bureau of the city government, since 2016, there were 10 claims drifted to the city government.

Among them are four lawsuits related to the administrative court of the island F, G, I, and K in the reclamation area. There is also a lawsuit from PT Pertamina case Building Permit (IMB) in West Jakarta. Also there is a lawsuit over a matter of curbing regional administrative court Kalijodo.

Prabowo: If you want in Government, Who Criticising

Prabowo: If you want in Government, Who Criticising

Chairman of Gerindra, Prabowo, denied his party was offered four seats minister by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi. He asserted that when met at the Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Sunday (01/08/2017).

Former commander of Kopassus it previously had said that helping the government does not have to be from within the cabinet.

When asked what if the next President Jokowi offering ministerial positions to Gerindra, Prabowo replied that contribute to the country not to be from within the cabinet.

"We are ready to be aiding the government. If all the incoming administration who later critics, who might be watching," said Prabowo.

According to Prabowo, in a democratic country there should be a division of labor between executive and supervisory functions to turn on the check and balances.

When asked about the statement Gerindra deputy chairman, Arif Poyuono, which claims Gerindra minister offered four seats, while Prabowo replied jokingly.

"Yes, I do not know he can (information) from where, maybe he wants to be a minister," said Prabowo.

Because of Laskar Train From Defenders isIam State Defense, the commander sacked

Because of Laskar Train From Defenders isIam State Defense, the commander sacked
TNI and FPI held a Training Introduction
State Defense as well as planting
10,000 trees in Lebak Banten [Twitter @DPP_FPI]
Head of Information Siliwangi Military Command III Arh Col. M. Desi Arianto confirms martial training organized state District Military Command Lebak, Banten, on January 5 to 6, 2017, which included participants from the Islamic Defenders Front, against regulations. Due to negligence comply with the rules, the commander of Lebak removed.

"Commander III Siliwangi decided to impose sanctions on the commander of the Valley that is removed from his position and was soon replaced by the new authorities," said Desi Ariyanto told reporters on Sunday (01/08/2017).

Desi Ariyanto explain Dandim Lebak omissions that do not report such activities to the boss to defend the country.

"That is based on the tests that have been carried out by the Military Command III / Siliwangi against Dandim Lebak, found that procedural errors Dandim berlapor not advance either the commander or Commander III / Siliwangi before conducting the State Defense," he said.

Desi Ariyanto insists the exercise is not a military exercise as a growing issue in social media.

"This joint needs to be delivered that the whole of the exercise is not a military exercise, but exercise to defend the state," he said

Desi Ariyanto said civil defense training aims to foster a love for the community to the state and nation.

"From it all should bear in society to understand that the purpose of the activities of civil defense is basically to increase patriotism to the nation," he said. Earlier, Chairman of the Institute Equivalents Hendardi said Desi Ariyanto recognition of civil defense training to a number of members of the FPI in Lebak region to reinforce a number of criticisms of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia to defend the state program of the absurd.

"How can an organization like FPI, which antikemajemukan and has seriously damaged the power, be a partner working in the military to defend the country," said Hendardi through a written statement to

Hendardi says educational defend the country without a clear concept and approach will only give birth to a civilian militia that was up a class because it is close to the military.

"We still remember when the Chairman of the Board Fuad Nazir expelled Peat Restoration of forest concession area of ​​PT. RAPP, Riau, September 2016. Alumni arrogantly defend the country became hired by the company and against the performance of the state apparatus to expel Nazir of the forest area," he said.

In contrast to Jokowi, Look Style Kaesang When Attend Maulid Nabi in Pekalongan

In contrast to Jokowi, Look Style Kaesang When Attend Maulid Nabi in Pekalongan

President Joko Widodo attended the birth of the prophet in Pekalongan, Central Java, on Sunday (08/01/2017).

The event took place at the House Kanzus sholawat along Habib M. Lutfi Bin Yahya.

A growing concern is the clothing worn netizen Jokowi.

On that occasion it turned Jokowi wearing gloves.

Jokowi sarungan it turns busy discussed in the mass media audience.

Many netizens were admiring looks Jokowi wearing the glove.

His photographs also spread in social media.

While attending the event, he was accompanied by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

@sudjiwotedjo Twitter account to upload a photo when accompanied Ganjar sarungan Jokowi.

President Joko Widodo, accompanied by the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, visiting Pekalongan to attend the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad, Saturday (01/08/2017).

Apparently, the youngest son Jokowi, Kaesang Pangarep participate in activities Maulid Nabi SAW.

It was seen from the photos uploaded by the authorized account Habib Lutfi Yahya.

Upload photos were carried by admin on account @HabibluthfiYahy.

In contrast to Jokowi, was Kaesang choose dressed in his own way.

He did not wear gloves when attending the event.

Kaesang wearing a white shirt and dark brown trousers.

He hung his sunglasses on his collar.

In addition, he was also seen carrying a camera that has been fitted boomers mic.

Quoted by the official website of the Cabinet Secretary, Jokowi perform a two-day working visit to Central Java province, Sunday-Monday (8-9 / 1).

The President and his entourage took off through the Halim Perdanakusuma Air Force Base, Jakarta, Sunday (8/1), using the Indonesian Presidential Aircraft-1 at around 08.30 pm.

On arrival in the city, the President Joko Widodo and his entourage headed to Kota Pekalongan using Super Puma helicopters belonging to the Air Force.

In Pekalongan, President Joko Widodo scheduled to attend the Commemoration of Prophet Muhammad's Birthday 1438 H alongside Habib M. Lutfi Bin Yahya in sholawat Kanzus Building, Pekalongan.

Furthermore, the President Joko Widodo will submit a number of social assistance, such as the Family Hope Program (PKH) and the Feeding (PMT) to the number of people in the city of Pekalongan.

Closing the agenda of his visit in Pekalongan, President Joko Widodo and his entourage headed Nusantara Fishery Port in the District of North Pekalongan to witness the delivery of a number of fishing boats to the fishermen.

The next day, President Joko Widodo and his entourage will continue the agenda of the working visit in Pekalongan and Batang.

Accompanying President Joko Widodo on a flight to Semarang, Health Minister Nila Moeloek and Special Staff of the President Ari Dwipayana.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Recruit Accused Spy TNI So, this reaction Australia

Recruit Accused Spy TNI So, this reaction Australia

    Australian Defence Minister Marise Payne describes Australia did not try to recruit the best Indonesian military (TNI) to be a spy agency.

    As reported by ABC on Jan. 5, 2017, Payne said that the Indonesian military target as the spy agency is not justified. "No, it's not like it and it's something that we would not be justified in the course," said Pyane.

    Previous Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo voiced concern against Canberra who are trying to recruit members who delivered the best military training in the country.

    Australia Indonesia relations deteriorated following the discovery of educational materials by the Indonesian special forces, or Kopassus during training at the Military Academy Australia, in November 2106. The material deemed insulting to Indonesia because they have said Papua as part of Melanesia and should be independent from Indonesia, and the Indonesian state derail Pancasila became Pancagila.

    Indonesia to Australia and then sent a letter notifying the temporary suspension of military cooperation with the Kangaroo country. Termination cooperation including joint training and exchange programs of military members.

    In the same occasion, Payne added that the investigation of teaching materials triggering a fight almost completed and Canberra looked at seriously.

    "We are working closely with colleagues in the team bilateral military and political level to fix the problem, handle all problems and improve this relationship as soon as possible," said Payne.

Splashy, Action Sanders Bring Large Poster Contains nudge Trump

Splashy, Action Sanders Bring Large Poster Contains nudge Trump
    Some US lawmakers often perform unique actions to provoke concern in the Senate Building.

    Ted Cruz, a former Donald Trump's strongest rival in the Republican primary campaign, never read a book titled Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham. James Inhofe throw snowballs in space to refute the global warming issue. While Christopher Murphy use emoticons funny to mock a political opponent.

    But do senator Bernie Sanders drew the attention of many people.

    As reported by Yahoo News, Thursday, January 5, 2017, Bernie, who had been a rival Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries elections, bringing the gigantic poster in a Senate meeting. It turned out that the poster contains nudge US President elect Donald Trump affairs of government health subsidies.

    This nudge dated May 7, 2015 or before Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States. "I was the first Republican candidate who will not cut social fund, Medicare and Medicaid."

    With this poster, Sanders urged the Senate does not vote a matter of health funding cuts.

    "Trump did not say this of a sudden. He does not say in the interview, but it was a campaign promise. She said repeatedly, "Sanders said when met reporters after a meeting of the Senate on Wednesday.

    This action had sparked laughter several members of the Senate, including Ted Cruz. "Senator Cruz smiled when he saw the poster was taken to the pulpit," said Mike Casca, a spokesman for Sanders.

    This action also makes many netizens create new memes based on photos Sanders making a speech. Large poster contains nudge Trump replaced by their support for Sanders or even derision for its actions.

    @maggieserota Account, for example, wrote a joke about a discount shoe store, replacing the contents of the poster Bernie Trump nudge. "I think you should know. Tabunglah money immediately. "

Rallies protesting rising fuel prices which rose sharply in Mexico led to riots.

Rallies protesting rising fuel prices which rose sharply in Mexico led to riots.

President Barack Obama, along with Mexican President Enrique
Pena Nieto and Canadian Trade Minister Ed Fast, when megikuti
 crop planting event on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Yanqi Lake, Baijing,
    As reported by AP, Thursday, January 5, 2017, an angry mob looted a gas station and a number of shops in the central region of Mexico on Wednesday.
Anti-Protest Fuel Price Hike Triggers Looting in Mexico

    Demonstrators also blocked roads, burned tires, control of gas stations, disrupting traffic, even endanger the supply of fuel to the whole country.

    The National Association of Retail Mexico mention there are 79 shops were looted, while the other 170 were forced to shut down, around Mexico City. "These riots endanger the lives of shoppers and store clerks, especially in the State of Mexico, Michoacan, Hidalgo, and Mexico City," the official statement of the association.

    The chamber of commerce in Veracruz reported around 50 outlets including supermarkets and minimarkets were looted. Looters take clothes, food, washing machines, televisions, DVD players, to the refrigerator.

    Police were deployed to the region amid the unrest and arrested at least 14 people. In a supermarket, the police were forced to fire guns into the air to disperse the crowd.

    A few hours before the riots, President Enrique Pena Nieto defended his decision to increase fuel prices by up to 20 percent at the end of last week. He called fuel subsidy wrong address and were felt by the rich Mexico. But in fact the price of a new four-liter petrol which is now equivalent to the minimum daily wage of workers is 80 pesos.